Do you work for Legal Aid?
Yes, Tower Forensics work for a number of clients and offer legal aid rates where appropriate.
What is Cell Site Analysis?
Cell Site Analysis is the reviewing of call data records and mobile phone signals to assess likely locations of devices at any given time. To find out more click here.
How long will my report take?
We are able to turn reports around within 1 working week, dependent on the instruction. We will work with you and your deadlines to make sure you get what you need as soon as possible.
What is Encrochat?
Encrochat is a programme installed on a device that encrypts all data before it is sent across the networks. It is famous for being difficult to investigate although it has recently been infiltrated by Law Enforcement and has since closed down. Read more about Encrochat investigations here.
Can I speak with your expert directly?
You most certainly can. Some companies act as a go between, at Tower Forensics we provide the personal touch, and our expert is more than happy to talk to you free of charge about your case.
Can you help me get the data I need?
With our experience, we can make sure you are asking for the right data and that appropriate disclosures are made. Early contact with our expert will assist you in this process.
What is digital forensics?
Digital forensics is the process of identifying, preserving, analysing and presenting digital evidence from various devices and sources. The integrity of the data is preserved from the outset to ensure data remains unchanged and is repeatable.
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What are the types of digital evidence?
Common sources include computer systems, mobile devices, digital media, surveillance footage, internet data, databases, electronic documents/communications, network logs, cloud services, IoT devices, and more. Essentially any device capable of storing or transmitting digital data could contain potential evidence.
What is Cloud Forensics?
Cloud forensics is the investigation and analysis of data stored in cloud computing environments. It involves acquiring, preserving, and examining evidence from distributed cloud resources. This specialised field addresses challenges posed by the cloud's multi-tenant and virtualised nature.
What is Metadata Analysis?
Metadata analysis involves examining the contextual metadata associated with digital files and data objects to uncover hidden details, patterns, and evidentiary information that can aid investigations by tracing data provenance and uncovering crucial evidence.